About admin

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We are a Czech manufacturer, which specilises in manufacturing of high quality wooden toys and decorations with innovative design. All toys produced comply with the current European standards. We use only materials and paints with safety certificates. Currently we make about 950 kinds of products, but we also continue to develop new products. While developing a new product, we put emphasis on originality, and usefulness for kids. Our manufacture focuses on quality and safety of our products. All our production is located in the Czech Republic.


Email: info@abafactory.com
Tel.: +420 776 660 464
Fax: +420 227 077 346

Address for Correspondence

ABAfactory s.r.o.
Smetanova 940
471 14   Kamenický Šenov
Česká Republika, EU

Basic Company Data

ABAfactory s.r.o.
Kostelec u Křížků 211, 251 68 Kamenice, Czech Republic, EU

ABAfactory s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 163735